Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Aldercreature Cleared

Anyone know if this is true?
  • Alderman [Maldanado] was found Not Guilty in room 408, Judge Gallaghar's room. Judge said the testimony of the two Officers was very credible. And that the Alderman was in a better position to judge if his cutting off of two vehicles in traffic was safe or not. 
Not exactly sure what the commentator was trying to say there - Gallagher found the officers credible? Or not credible? We thinking there's a few articles/words missing there.

Cook County "justice" at its finest there.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's part of the democrat machine bro!

7/30/2013 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every year I make my family trek to the polls and vote no on all the judges, yet nothing ever changes. I feel like the kid with the tootsie roll pop walking around the forest asking the same question... how many votes does it take to get these judges voted out?



7/30/2013 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other words, the judge said, 'thanks for you impeccable service to the communities and the city you serve officers...but go fuck yourselves on this one."
Thanks judge.

7/30/2013 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gallagher is one of the better judges. Lcks savages up for sagging their pants and being disrespectful in court.

7/30/2013 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled, the fix was in, credible cops can't undo the fix.

Sir Greylord

7/30/2013 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon SCC. Happens all time. The judge tells you how credible a witness you are and then finds shitbird not guilty. Pretty common occurrence in Crook County.

7/30/2013 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gallagher is very pro-police from my experience. He's always been a good guy and fair to POs. You have to know there is more in play here. There are many whack-job judges in Cook County who hate the police, but I wouldn't call him one of them. Maybe they can bring back Gubin. Bwahahahaha!

7/30/2013 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question, which Gallagher was the judge?

Was it Dan Gallagher? Wasn't Dan the one that FOP endorsed and then learned that he was a public defender that was against police and then didn't endorse?

Dan Gallagher was the machine endorsed candidate for judge.

7/30/2013 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He said he found both Officers credible.... BUT....

7/30/2013 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yes, completely true.

7/30/2013 01:59:00 AM  
Blogger James S. said...

I think he meant what he said, but it should be read as "The judge said the officers testimony was very credible, BUT, the alderscum was in a BETTER position to judge if the action was unsafe."

Basically "I believe the cops, but the aldertrash gets a pass"

7/30/2013 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had judges say on the record that they find my testimony credible but then finds not guilty. These judges are fucking crazy.

7/30/2013 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

I have written a bunch of tickets over the past twenty years working for this city. I am confused. The officers testimony was credible, but the alderman was in better position to know if it was safe to cut off two cars? WTF, they believed the officers but said it was safe to commit a traffic violation? So breaking the traffic laws is ok as long is it is safe? So you can go through a red light as long as it is safe? Someone help me here cause I aint too goods at readings comprehensions.

If this was the wording the judge used he says that the aldercreature did commit a traffic offense but because it was safe it is ok?

7/30/2013 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maldonado basically got preferential treatment since who cares abput the constituents he cut off and forget about the laws, it doesnt apply to politicians. How do these people wake up every morning and excuse their behavior? I mean, seriously!!!

7/30/2013 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The payoff for this judge will be an appointment to the Supreme Court!

This crap happens all the time in Traffic Court! That's why I stopped writing traffic tickets and doing traffic stops!

The judges make you feel like an asshole for enforcing the laws on the books!

Sounds like Daley double talk! Silly! Just silly!

7/30/2013 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Big Chief said...

Come on -what's your beef?

How long have you been on the force? Don't you know the pecking order in this cloutocracy yet?

An alderman is up there. Untouchable.

You however are not. You may share the same totem pole as the alderman, but he/she is up there just under the mayor.

A good cop? You're on the totem pole, but you're below ground. You're so low, you don't see the light of day.

Big Chief speaks the truth.

7/30/2013 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The words Cook County and justice do not belong in the same sentence, except as in this case.

7/30/2013 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother!
Let it burn!

7/30/2013 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's called the Chicago Way".

7/30/2013 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The alderass knows better than you guys and that's the end of it. Now STFU and get out there and generate more revenue.

7/30/2013 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever been to the liquor Commission? Thank you officer, we'll take it under advisement.

7/30/2013 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that the same Judge Gallagher who ranted at two Officers for five minutes in his court room yesterday morning threatening to hold them in contempt when they asked the state if they could return at 1300 hrs when a case was slated to go to trial? Mind you, it was about 1030 hrs when the Judge set the trail time and the P/Os just want to get a bite to eat real quick.

7/30/2013 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They always say that...code word for the fix is in and the check cashed.

7/30/2013 07:55:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

From my court going days---

Dan Gallagher was one of Daley's top assistants. He got called on the carpet one time about a homicide case. Dan essentially told him that since he never tried a homicide case,he didn't know shit.

End of Dan Gallagher's States Attorney career.

I don't know if he was ever a public defender but he has represented some of the scummiest dogs I have ever seen. He made his money and drank his booze.

I don't ever remember his embarassing the police on the stand. He was always a gentleman outside of the courtroom.

7/30/2013 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of complaining ask the Feds to again look into how business is done at the traffic court building.

7/30/2013 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wait until the state supreme court gets to decide on our pensions........all political appointed judges!

7/30/2013 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on there!

Are you all forgetting that each alderscum is sent to defensive-tactical driving school when they become a member of the city council?

The driving skill is necessary so they can run from federal authorities trying to arrest them.

Geesh! How soon we forget.

7/30/2013 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FLOP Shields Cappareli Silent No press to back up the Pos nice
just keep paying your dues

7/30/2013 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your 'Honor', Motion to Fix."

"Motion Granted."

7/30/2013 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we said in the "old days" "motion to Fix". Don't ya luv the machine & it's percs for being part of it !

7/30/2013 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By saying that it all but eliminates any type of lawsuit the scum bag Maldando might bing.

7/30/2013 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard on WBBM news radio 78 that Ms. Prickwrinkle fired, without cause, the county ethics chief because she was going after Joe Barrios for hiring too many relatives! Jessie White has to be glad that Barrios got elected so he could take the heat off of him for hiring all his relatives.....

7/30/2013 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think that judges are going to bite the hand that feeds them.

7/30/2013 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing but a chicken s!@# afraid to go against a politician in this corrupt city/county. Way to stand on your morals and judge impartially ha ha.

7/30/2013 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you say, Motion to fix?

7/30/2013 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't hate the players hate the game.

7/30/2013 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh so typical. this goes on all the time in crook county and no one steps in to correct it. why would anyone who does right want to stay in this crook county while the ship sinks. this is just more fuel for me to leave. others should consider because there is much better situations out there(friendly advice for my boy/girls in blue).

7/30/2013 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It happens all the time. Lots of times. The judge will say "thank you officer" and/or "I find the officers testimony very credible" but then comes the MOTION GRANTED or the FINDING NO PROBABLE CAUSE or FINDING NOT GUILTY. This city is lost until the department leadership gets overhauled along with the broken Cook County Judicial System.

7/30/2013 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That alderscum should be sued by those officers for slander.

7/30/2013 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont you just love the follow up by the illustrious Chicago press corps ? They are such a helpful influence in this city.

7/30/2013 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also vote NO to retain any judges when I vote. Always have, always will. If a lot more people would do this, maybe we could clear house a bit.

7/30/2013 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to work a traffic car and my job was primarily handling traffic crashes and issuing citation for mostly obvious traffic violations which I chose not to ignore due to my job assignment which was traffic enforcement. I became sick and tired of going to court and testifying before the judges and having at least 50-70% of my cases tossed out due to the "credibility" of the witnesses. I became sick of these fucking judges letting these stupid fucking mules get away with driving like true jag-offs. I didn't issue the citation because I decided to "pick on" some particular asshole other that he caught my attention due to his shitty/careless driving. My ticket writing dropped precipitously after I decided to fuck these judges by beating them to the punch. I stopped writing and only wrote tickets for the most obvious traffic infractions which were caused by inattention of one or both drivers resulting in a traffic crash. The end result did not get me dumped off the car nor did it result in any counseling or disciplinary action. These stupid ass judges are the ones that suffer from this action because their case load is reduced thus removing the need for as many judges. Less case load=less work=less judges and the best part...less money for the county and city. So my philosophy evolved into let these assholes drive like jag-offs because these judges won't give them the ass-chewing they deserve and I don't waste my time trying to convince them how and why jag-off was ticketed. This shit only happens in crook county. Any place else in this state jag-off is usually bitch slapped with a nice juicy fine and everyone goes home happy except for jag-off. My only prayer is that these judges get rear-ended or sideswiped by unlicensed or uninsured ass-hole and they're left standing on the side scratching their heads wondering "what happened". As far as laws being applicable to politicians in this county??? Forget it!!! It will never happen. Signed Happily Retired.

7/30/2013 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was in court today and Alderman Brookins was defending a convicted felon who just picked up a pistol case..... This city is a joke.

7/30/2013 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same old story, the same thing just happened to me. The judge says officer your testimony is credible but the burden of proof is on the city. So as long as they don't y anything too stupid they walk.

7/30/2013 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same thing happened with the Hatch sisters of Minnesota. They slap a copper and kick out the squad car's window and; admits to it. Not guilty!

7/30/2013 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fix was in, but by saying he found the Officers credible it stops the alderscum from suing.

7/30/2013 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


then again asshole is one of those
"don't you know who i am" types that feels ,'entitled' to be above the law ! and throw us under the bus any chance he gets. i wonder how he would fare up against the fed's in federal court. because his dealings are up there with every other corrupt, use of authority abuse mother f&*@ker!! he's a P.O.S! sad part of it is that he does alot of this abuse shit & violations with his kids( young children) in the back seat while hes driving

7/30/2013 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officers testimony was credible, but the alderman was in better position to know if it was safe to cut off two cars? WTF, they believed the officers but said it was safe to commit a traffic violation? So breaking the traffic laws is ok as long is it is safe? So you can go through a red light as long as it is safe? Someone help me here cause I aint too goods at readings comprehensions.

If this was the wording the judge used he says that the aldercreature did commit a traffic offense but because it was safe it is ok?

7/30/2013 03:00:00 AM

ok so every citizen that is reading this right now take note.... when you get any type of moving violation, go to court, contest it so you can have a trial in front of the judge and as soon as the officer testifies and you're asked a question just reply...... well judge the testimony of the two Officers was very credible. And i was in a better position to judge if my cutting off of two vehicles ( or what ever the violation is/was) in traffic was safe or not. And i'd like to refer to the city vs Robert Maldonado- alderman July-2013 in judge Gallaghers room 408 where the judge ruled in favor of Mr Maldonado in that Judge Gallagher found the officers testimony very credible but Mr Maldonados position better to judge if in fact it was /is safe to commit my violation in which I absolutely believe that it was safe for me to go through the red light, cut 2 vehicles off, run through a stop sign etc etc

7/30/2013 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Motion to fix your honor.
Granted, next.

7/30/2013 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't hate the players hate the game.

7/30/2013 09:29:00 AM

Fuck you asshole. You'd be the first pussy on here bitching about a ticket. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

I hate you mother fuckers

7/30/2013 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we are treated like crap in traffic court. I am a police officer, my credibility should be without question. Honestly these judges make me sick. They act as if we make up crap. Ive been doing this twenty years and those judges make me feel as if I am some ignorant, profiling, biased hater. WTF. I have integrity, and even though I am treated in such a degrading manner, those judges cant break me. no one will ever keep me from doing the job I love.

7/30/2013 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Was in court today and Alderman Brookins was defending a convicted felon who just picked up a pistol case..... This city is a joke.

7/30/2013 11:39:00 AM

Great. Just great.

7/30/2013 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did anyone expect, it's the Chicago way.

7/30/2013 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ever been to the liquor Commission? Thank you officer, we'll take it under advisement.

7/30/2013 07:26:00 AM

One of the most corrupt boards in the country

7/30/2013 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, I wonder how fucking fast these judges would change their tune if they got injured in a traffic incident. All hell would break loose.

--No Cop Here

7/30/2013 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous chuck schwier said...

We are about 2yrs. from being Chitroit.If you know a F.B.I. agent ask them how many investigations are ongoing of city officials(not state but city) judges,aldershits,pols etc.If he is able to confide in you like maybe (a family member,best friend,a honest person?)They'll say "can't do it any more,don't have enough agents.Not enough wire taps,not enough any thing".We did that in Detroit and it was a wash.Had to give up it was so crooked. Chicago is next.We just don't have the resources any more. there's just too much crap to keep tract of.Sorry.Chicago was nice while it lasted but that was then.This is now.Feel for the kids coming on the job but you ain't gotta chance in hell.

7/30/2013 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Liquor Commission - hahaha. First off, the commissioners are appointed. If they don't "cooperate" with the right people the are replaced by someone who will. The liquor commission doesn't even try to look impartial. They run thru the motions and bullshit, but at the end of the day you always know how your case is going to turn out, "finding for the defendant". If your case was before the blind commissioner, you were in for a long day. He would fall asleep on the bench so often he brought his wife with him - on the bench next to him - the wife would listen to the "evidence" and wake the commissioner up at the end of the hearing or trial, whisper in his ear and he would make his ruling. Only in Chicago
Some of our "finest" Cook County Judges started out as liquor commissioners.

7/31/2013 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a police officer, my credibility should be without question.
because all cops are saints with guns?

7/31/2013 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think that judges are going to bite the hand that feeds them.

and the fed judges have lifetime appointments !

7/31/2013 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chuck schwier said...
We are about 2yrs. from being Chitroit.If you know a F.B.I. agent ask them how many investigations are ongoing of city officials(not state but city) judges,aldershits,pols etc.If he is able to confide in you like maybe (a family member,best friend,a honest person?)They'll say "can't do it any more,don't have enough agents.Not enough wire taps,not enough any thing".We did that in Detroit and it was a wash.Had to give up it was so crooked. Chicago is next.We just don't have the resources any more. there's just too much crap to keep tract of.Sorry.Chicago was nice while it lasted but that was then.This is now.Feel for the kids coming on the job but you ain't gotta chance in hell.

7/30/2013 10:24:00 PM

Besides, scum Durbin and drooling Kirk both have stated publicly they want the next US Attorney to go after Chicago street crime. That means, wink, wink, not politicians.

7/31/2013 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think this was a big deal? It was a fucking ticket. Not even a criminal offense. Judges can do whatever they want with these tickets including letting every one of them off with no explanation and it isn't a big deal.

Watch this happen to a gun case or other felony charges or even a murder case and see how frosted you get. That all happened during my career. A murder case! Look up Harry Aleman. Judge Frank Wilson acquitted Harry Aleman of murder during a bench trial. Later got convicted when it was proven the fix was in. That guy was a suspect in at least 20 murders!

And people are beefing about a traffic ticket? My how times have changed.

Ever hear of the Miracle Workers? I would write a guy a DUI and never ever see the case again. Never in court, no record, not on the docket, Just gone, gone. No documentation. It was a miracle! Get the right lawyer and it just disappeared. I would ask the clerk in court about some case that I expected to see and would be told there is no such case. Fuck traffic tickets. Don't lose a minute of sleep over that. Be grateful if most of your important cases get done fairly.

7/31/2013 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am a police officer, my credibility should be without question.

7/31/2013 09:55:00 AM

Do you still believe in the tooth fairy too?

7/31/2013 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another fine example of a Cook County judge doing what they do best- lying through their teeth, like any other politician. What did you expect? That's how they got the job in the first place.

7/31/2013 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Judge Gallagher said...

Although I find the officers testimony credible, the money is just too good to find the alderman guilty.

7/31/2013 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to my credibility should be without question... To all you jagoffs like "and I'm the tooth fairy" and "all cops are saints with guns" GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!! When I appear before a judge I EXPECT that he is going to believe what the fuck I'm telling him. If we start out with the assumption that I'm the fucking liar then this world is completely upside down and they should just give jagoff my gun and star and make me the fucking defendant. Give me a fucking break!!!

8/01/2013 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Using that argument then what makes an alderman any different than a citizen in judging whether his driving is safe or not. ? Why do we need police to enforce traffic? Lets just let everyone drive like assholes and judge for themselves. Way to go judge!

8/03/2013 02:31:00 AM  

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